A slot is a grammatical construction in which a morpheme fits within a specific space. It has a variety of other uses, including an assignment, job opening, or a logical sequence of morphemes. A slot in a copy desk, for example, might be occupied by the chief copy editor of a newspaper. Or, a slot on an airplane may be authorized by an air-traffic authority.
The term “slot” comes from the seventeenth century and means to “cut or provide a slot.” This sense of ‘drop a coin’ dates back to 1888, while the usage of ‘take a position in a slot’ is from 1940. In hockey, the slot can also mean the area between the face-off circles. In football, the slot is often referred to as the scoring area. But there are a variety of uses for the word slot.
A slot may also be referred to as a “candle,” a light on top of the machine that flashes to alert the operator. In other words, it can also refer to a “carousel” of slots. A credit meter is also a feature that appears on most slot machines, displaying the amount of money and credits on a machine. The number of symbols in a slot depends on its theme, but classic slot machine symbols include fruits, bells, and stylized lucky sevens.
A slot can include several slots, all of them or none of them. The bot will automatically map slots to entities such as the number of rooms needed, the number of nights required, and the type of room requested. To add a new slot to an utterance, the user can select it from the Uterance or Slots tab. If a slot is already present, the user may enter its name. A slot may be defined in a custom slot type.