A casino is a building where people gamble and play games of chance. It is often attached to restaurants, hotels and shopping malls and can host many events.
Gambling almost certainly predates recorded history, but it took the 16th century for gambling to become a popular pastime in Europe. In that era, Italian aristocrats held private parties in places known as ridotti [Source: Schwartz].
Today’s casinos are usually lavishly decorated and include luxuries like restaurants, stage shows, and dramatic scenery. They also offer perks, such as free drinks and hotel rooms, to encourage patrons to spend more money.
Casinos make money by offering patrons a mathematical advantage on all the games they have to offer, called a “vig” or “rake.” For example, roulette has a house edge of 5.26%, and casinos take that percentage off every wager placed.
In a typical American casino, slot machines generate the bulk of the income. Craps and roulette are popular with high-rollers, but they require a higher percentage of the total amount bet than slot machines do.
In addition to the games they offer, casinos often have elaborate security systems that watch patrons and employees at all times. This is a very effective way to prevent cheating and other forms of crime. The security system usually consists of a physical force that patrols the casino and responds to calls for assistance, and a specialized surveillance department that monitors the closed-circuit television system in the casino.