A casino (from Latin: casino) or gambling establishment is a building or room equipped with gaming tables, devices for playing games, and other objects for public entertainment and recreation. The precise origin of gambling is not known, but it is widely believed to have roots in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Elizabethan England. The modern casino is often divided into three parts: a large open space surrounded by a high wall, containing slot machines and other games; a bar area with a small number of tables; and a dining area. Modern casinos are regulated and operated by government-owned or private companies. In Canada, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario regulates land-based casinos, while Loto-Québec oversees provincially-licensed online casinos on its Espacejeux platform.

In the United States, casinos are located in cities and towns with legalized gambling. Most American casinos are owned by commercial enterprises, but some are run by Native American tribes or other organizations that have obtained a state license. The city of Las Vegas, Nevada, is particularly famous for its casinos, and the city’s economy is heavily dependent on tourism.

The games played in a casino vary but all share an inherent long-term advantage for the house, which is called the house edge or vigorish. Some casino games have a skill element, and players with sufficient skills can eliminate the house advantage by employing techniques such as card counting or analyzing past results. This type of player is referred to as an “advantage player”. In most cases, casino games are designed to be entertaining for the majority of patrons without requiring significant skill on the part of the player.